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Friday 1 June 2007

You don't know how lucky you are . . .

As I approach the final days of student life, nostalgia is the order of the day around campus. This theme has extended to my itunes library. As the saying goes, the old ones are the best, and I have rediscovered the very best of the old ones. The Beatles' The White Album [1968], and Joni Mitchell's Blue [1971] - are surely two of the greatest albums of the last forty years.

The incredible thing is that they're still going - Paul McCartney's new album comes out on June 5th, and Joni has a new one coming too, due in the autumn. Or 'fall' as my crazy American friends would say. I think you'd get pretty long odds on The Arctic Monkeys lasting quite so long. They don't make 'em like they used to.

Anyway, here are two of my favourite tracks from the respective albums.

The Beatles - Back in the U.S.S.R

Joni Mitchell - A Case of You


Alain-R said...

Hello from belgium, i think you must to see my blog!!! Have a nice day...

Joel said...

hooray for old things.
i'm currently have a bob dylan re-discovery.
he's a very old thing.