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Monday 7 May 2007

You must have more important things to do...

It's eyes down for a full house here in University land, where three years of sitting around watching Deal or No Deal and picking our teeth has come down to two weeks of actual work. Save your tears though, you shouldn't feel too sorry for us, mainly because if we stopped aimlessly surfing the net we'd be finished by now and lying in a booze-fuelled pool of vomit/blood/pizza.

To that end, I have been downloading a barrell load of good music recently, amongst which is the new album from Minnesota's Low. Drums and Guns is their eighth studio album, and sees a move away from their sunnier, catchier side as seen on Things We Lost in the Fire and The Great Destroyer, and more towards a Liars/Broken Social Scene-esque tribal-beat led sound. It takes a few listens, but it's growing on me more and more.

Low: Murderer

Low: Belarus


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